Proactive Theme at St. Bernadette Catholic School

Proactive Theme at St, Bernadette Catholic School

Dear  Parents/Guardians of St. Bernadette School Community,

I hope this letter finds you all in good health. We wanted to take a moment to update you on an important theme that we discussed during our recent school assembly, and the progress we've already seen within our student body.

At our assembly, we emphasized the importance of proactivity and how it aligns with the teachings and example set by Christ himself. It is with great pride that we report that our students have wholeheartedly embraced this concept.

Already, we are witnessing our students taking the initiative to be proactive in their daily lives. They have been opening doors for our staff members, displaying kindness and respect that warms our hearts. This small yet significant gesture is a testament to the caring nature of our students.

Furthermore, we've been impressed by their  commitment to honesty, even in the face of challenging situations. Their integrity serves as an  example of how they are striving to live their lives in accordance with the values we hold dear at St. Bernadette School.

Equally commendable is the students' willingness to forgive one another. In a world that often lacks forgiveness, they are embodying Christ-like compassion and understanding. Their readiness to repair the harm in  relationships and move forward with grace reflects the essence of our faith.

In recognition of these remarkable achievements, our dedicated staff members are actively seeking ways to acknowledge and celebrate our students' proactivity. We believe that by fostering a culture of proactivity, we are nurturing the growth of individuals who will continue to make positive contributions to both our school community and the world at large.

As we continue this journey together, we encourage open communication and collaboration between the school, parents, and students. Together, we can ensure that our students continue to flourish as they embody the proactive and Christ-like values that lie at the core of our St. Bernadette community.

Thank you for your ongoing support, and may God's blessings be with each and every one of you.

Yours in Christ,

Mr. Iassogna
St. Bernadette School  C.E.S.