Last Week of School News

Last Week of School News
Posted on 06/23/2024

Dear Parents/Guardians,

As we approach the end of our first year at St. Bernadette Catholic School, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each of you for making this year a fantastic one. Your support and involvement have been instrumental in creating a positive and nurturing environment for our students.

This last week of school promises to be filled with fun and excitement. We have designated the entire week as Civies Week, allowing students to dress in casual attire. We have many special events planned, including Playday on June 24th and Airband performances on June 25th. For more details, please check our website calendar.

Our Graduation ceremony last Thursday was a beautiful send-off for our graduates. A special thank you goes to the grad committee, headed by Mrs. Girard, as well as Ms. Strba, Mrs. Spinosa, Mrs. Tardif, and Madame Carey-Urban, who made this event memorable.

Report Cards will be coming home on June 24th. These report cards reflect the hard work and achievements of our students throughout the year. We are proud of their accomplishments and encourage you to review their progress with them and return the feedback page back to your classroom teacher. Congratulations to all our students on their successes!

Staff are adding final touches to class lists for the upcoming school year. All parents/guardians will be notified of their child's class and teacher for the 2024-25 school year the week before school begins through email. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we finalize these details to ensure the best possible placements for our students.

Thank you once again for a wonderful year. We wish you a fantastic last week of school and a restful summer break.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr, Iassogna


St. Bernadette Catholic School