February Events

February Events
Posted on 02/02/2024

Dear St. Bernadette Catholic Community, 

I trust this letter finds you well and in good spirits. As we enter the month of February, we are thrilled to share some upcoming events that promise to bring us together as a community . Here's a snapshot of what to look forward to: 

Habit 4 Assembly and Recognition 9:30 AM (February 5th, 2024): Join us as we gather for our Habit 4 Assembly to celebrate the achievements of our Robotics team and acknowledge the commendable efforts of our Math Caribou contestants. It's an opportunity to showcase the dedication and talent within our school community. 

Father Whitfield's Session on Reconciliation and 1st Holy Communion (February 7th, 2024): Father Whitfield will engage with our grade 2 students, offering valuable insights into the significance of Reconciliation and 1st Holy Communion. It's a special occasion for our young ones to deepen their understanding of these sacraments. 

Sacrament of Reconciliation on February 22nd 1pm – All are welcome to attend as our grade 2 students receive this vital sacrament.  

1st Holy Communion details have been emailed out to our community and will occur on various masses at St. Augustine throughout April and May.  

Grade 8 and Grade 5 Camp Visits (February 8th and 9th, 2024): Our grade 8 and grade 5 classes will embark on exciting trips to Camp Brebeuf and Camp Marydale, respectively. These adventures promise not only fun and camaraderie but also valuable learning experiences in the great outdoors. 

Civvies Red and White Day for United Way (February 9th, 2024): Let's show our support for a great cause! Wear red and white on this day andcontribute $2 towards our Civvies Day fundraiser. All proceeds will go to the United Way, making a positive impact in our wider community. 

Ash Wednesday Liturgy (February 14th, 2024, 1:00 PM in the gym): Join us for a solemn Ash Wednesday liturgy in the gym at 1:00 PM. Father Whitfield will be present to lead the ceremony as we mark the beginning of Lent. Your presence is warmly welcomed. 

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Celebration (February 13th, 2024): In preparation for Lent, we will be serving pancakes to all students on Shrove Tuesday. Further details will be shared via email next week, so please keep an eye on your inbox. 

Catholic School Council Community Shed Event (February 16th, 2024): Our Community Shed event, organized by the Catholic School Council, is ongoing. We invite you to participate and contribute to the success of this initiative. Your support is greatly appreciated. 

Family Day (February 19th, 2024): Enjoy a well-deserved break with your loved ones on Family Day. We hope you have a wonderful and rejuvenating time with your family. 

We look forward to your active participation and presence at these events, fostering a sense of community and shared joy. Let's make February a month of learning, celebration, and togetherness. 

Warm regards, 

Mr. Iassogna  
