Advent Mass, Book Fair and Lunch Day Survey

Advent Mass Book Fair and Lunch Day Survey
Posted on 12/01/2023

Dear Parents and Guardians of the Saint Bernadette Catholic Community, 

I hope this message finds you well as we prepare for the upcoming Advent season. There are a few important announcements and events I'd like to bring to your attention. 

Firstly, we eagerly invite you to join us for our Advent Mass on Friday, December 8th at St. Augustine Catholic Church. Our grade four class, under the guidance of Mrs. Gambacort, will be leading this special Mass. We are planning to commence at 10:15 AM, and the students will be transported to the venue by bus. Your presence will add to the significance of the Advent Season. 

Additionally, next week marks the return of our book fair. We extend an invitation to all parents who wish to attend and purchase books. The book fair will be open to parents on Tuesday December 5th & 6th.  from 3:30 PM to 4:00 PM &   3:30 PM to 7:00 PM on Thursday, December 7th. It's a fantastic opportunity to explore literary treasures and support our school community. 

Lastly, we value your input on the possibility of introducing an additional food day here at Saint Bernadette C.E.S. Please take a moment to click the link provided to cast your vote on whether you would like to see a designated Subway Day on Wednesdays. As always, we will continue offering pizza on Fridays and are excited to introduce new options for our students. 

Your engagement and involvement in our community initiatives are truly appreciated. Thank you for your continued support and participation. We look forward to seeing you at the Advent Mass and the upcoming book fair. 

Warm regards, 

Mr. Iassogna